Control Module System

EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED

EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED

EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED   EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED
EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED. Main board (with ribbon cable) only, LCD and other components are not included. Cleared all existing SLC devices with Reconfigure. Other system options and settings can only be changed via 2-SDC software (not included). System was all normal when tested.

The 2-MCM is the main controller module for the EST2 panel. This board contains the operating system and configuration.

The board includes one SLC loop, RS-232, RS-485, various relays, and 2 signal circuits. The 2-MCM can communicate with various optional modules, including voice controllers and annunciators.

EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED   EST Edwards 2-MCM Main Controller Module for EST2 Panel USED TESTED